
I am passionate about creating museum displays, infographics, and other visual media that can engage a wide variety of audiences.

Thus, a brief portfolio:


These two infographics were created for the student competition at the 2019 and 2020 meetings of the Entomological Society of America.

Why do museum collections matter? (2020) earned first place in its class for the President’s Prize; Discovery and Diversity: The importance of systematic entomology in today’s world (2019) earned second place.


I got my start with video production in 2007, when I co-produced a documentary about the Berlin Wall for the National History Day competition. Over the years, I honed my skills through school projects, and at Macalester College, I worked for several years as a student manager in the Digital Resource Center, where I trained faculty and students to use multimedia software for videos, podcasts, 3D modeling, and more.

Since then, I have developed science content for public outreach, award-winning video contest entries, and promotional reels for nonprofit organizations. I haven’t tried creating short-format videos (e.g., for TikTok), but I do enjoy putting together longer projects when (if!) I have the time.

2021: “All About Ants” (with the Ward Lab) – produced as content for the virtual Picnic Day at UC Davis
2019: “GOALS: Our Story in a Nutshell” – produced for the nonprofit Girls’ Outdoor Adventure in Leadership in Science (GOALS) at UC Davis
2013: “Reasons Why German is Wonderful” – produced for the Vista Higher Learning video contest about language learning

Line Art

More content coming soon!